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786 titels gevonden

Titel Schrijver Prijs Datum
Studies on international Fiscal law. Vol. Lb : Second subject : Advance rulings by the tax authoritis at the request of taxpayer. Associations Internationale de Droit Financier et Fiscal = International Fiscal Association. €12,00 Bekijk
Nuclear disarmament in international law. Athanasopulos, H. €18,00 Bekijk
The alleged transnational criminal : the second biennial international criminal law seminar. Atkins, Richard D. €50,00 Bekijk
American regulation of arms exports. Atwater, Elton. €25,00 Bekijk
The nexus between peacekeeping and peace-building: Debriefing and lessons : report of the 1999 Singapore Conference [held under the auspices of] the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), the Institute of Policy Studies (... Azimi, Nassrine Chang Li Lin (eds.) €60,00 Bekijk
Application of international humanitarian and human rights law to the armed conflicts of the Sudan : complementary or mutually exclusive regimes? Babiker, Mohamed Abdelsalam. €30,00 Bekijk
Integrated pollution prevention and control : the EC directive from a comparative legal and economic perspective. Backes, Chris Gerrit Betlem (eds.) €35,00 Bekijk
The Role of the Nation-State in the 21st Century:Human Rights, International Organizations and Foreign Policy Essays In Honour Of Peter Baehr. Baehr, Peter €73,00 Bekijk
Innovation and inspiration : fifty years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Baehr, Peter, Cees Flinterman Mignon Senders (eds.) €40,00 Bekijk
Anti-dumping and other trade protection laws of the EC. Bael, Ivo van Jean-François Bellis. €195,00 Bekijk
Fear's empire : war, terrorism, and democracy. Barber, Benjamin R. €12,00 Bekijk
Soixante-quinzième anniversaire de l'Académie de droit international de La Haye = Seventy-fifth anniversary of The Hague Academy of International Law. Bardonnet, Daniel [et al.] €12,00 Bekijk
Crimes Against Humanity in International Criminal Law. Bassiouni, M. Cherif. €129,00 Bekijk
International Criminal Law. 2nd edition. Bassiouni, M. Cherif. €129,00 Bekijk
International Criminal Law. Volume 1 : Crimes. Bassiouni, M. Cherif. €50,00 Bekijk
International Criminal Law. Volume 1 : Sources, subjects, and contents. 3rd edition. Bassiouni, M. Cherif. €82,00 Bekijk
International Extradition: United States Law and Practice Bassiouni, M. Cherif. €90,00 Bekijk
Foreign Investment and Dispute Resolution Law and Practice in Asia Bath, Vivienne €60,00 Bekijk
Legal problems of an enlarged European community. Bathurst, M.E. ... [et al.] €12,00 Bekijk
Cases, materials and text on contract law. Second edition. Beale, Hugh ... [et al.] (eds.) €24,00 Bekijk

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