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786 titels gevonden

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Taking Life Imprisonment Seriously. Zyl Smit, Dirk van. €82,00 Bekijk
The Humanitarian Face of the International Court of Justice : its Contribution to Interpreting and Developing International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law Rules and Principles. Zyberi, Gentian. €60,00 Bekijk
AUTOGRAPH. Postcard with autograph and text on back dated 4-5-1918. Philipp Zorn (1850-1928), professor of international law in Bonn, was also notable in ecclesiastical and constitutional law. Zorn, Philipp. €103,00 Bekijk
The legal status of the Land Berlin : a survey after the Quadripartite Agreement. Zivier, Ernst R. €15,00 Bekijk
International criminal law : a critical introduction. Zahar, Alexander Göran Sluiter. €18,00 Bekijk
The changing law of the sea : western hemisphere perspectives. Zacklin, Ralph. €18,00 Bekijk
African Yearbook of International Law, Volume 9, 2001 = Annuaire africain de Droit international, Volume 9, 2001. Yusuf, Abdulqawi A. (ed.) €60,00 Bekijk
The Kurdish Conflict: International Humanitarian Law and Post-Conflict Mechanisms. Yildiz, Kerim. €35,00 Bekijk
Theories of co-perpetration in international criminal law. Yanev, Lachezar Dimitrov. €18,00 Bekijk
Indigenous Rights and United Nations Standards: Self-Determination, Culture and Land. Xanthaki, Alexandra €35,00 Bekijk
International criminal law : a collection of international and European instruments. Wyngaert, Christine van den (ed.) €35,00 Bekijk
State immunity and cultural objects on loan. Woudenberg, Nout van. €80,00 Bekijk
Protecting Cultural Property in Armed Conflict. Woudenberg, Nout van Liesbeth Lijnzaad (eds.) €60,00 Bekijk
Invitation for 7th International Conference of Chief Justices of the World on Article 51(c) of the Constitution of India at Lucknow, India from 7th to 11h December 2006 : theme: Enforceable international law is "the idea" whose time has come, ... World Unity and Peace Education Department (WUPED). €18,00 Bekijk
Custom in present international law. 2nd revised edition. Wolfke, Karel. €80,00 Bekijk
Private international law. Wolff, Martin. €79,00 Bekijk
Laws of war and international law. Wolf, René van der Willem-Jan van der Wolf (eds.). €15,00 Bekijk
Laws of war and international law. Volume 1. Wolf, R. van der W. van der Wolf (eds.) €18,00 Bekijk
Die laufende Besteuerung bei Grenzüberschreitenden Unternehmenszusammenschlüssen - Deutschland, Grossbritannien, Frankreich. Witzel, David Alexander. €20,00 Bekijk
International Criminal Law Cases and Materials : Portable Pamphlet. Wise, Edward M. €18,00 Bekijk

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