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831 titels gevonden

Titel Schrijver Prijs Datum
The international regulation of civil wars. Luard, Evan (ed.) €12,50 Bekijk
The Structure and Process of International Law : essays in legal philosophy doctrine and theory. MacDonald, R.St.J. & Douglas M. Johnston (eds.) €150,00 Bekijk
The American Society of International Law's first century, 1906-2006. Kirgis, Frederic L. €60,00 Bekijk
Droit de la mer et emergences environnementales = Law of sea and environmental emergencies. Andreone, Gemma; Andrea Caligiuri & Giuseppe Cataldi (eds.) €24,00 Bekijk
The International Law Commission of the United Nations. Morton, Jeffrey S. €12,00 Bekijk
Nuclear weapons and the World Court. Nanda, Ved P. & David Krieger. €28,00 Bekijk
The command responsibility doctrine in international criminal law and its applicability to civilian superiors. Nybondas-Maarschalkerweerd, Marie Louise. €12,00 Bekijk
The Freshfields guide to arbitration and ADR : clauses in international contracts. Paulsson, Jan ... [et al.] €12,00 Bekijk
EU Justice and Home Affairs Law (Oxford EC Law Library). Peers, Steve €12,50 Bekijk
Caribbean perspectives on international law and organizations. Ramcharan, Bertram G. & L.B. Francis (eds.) €60,00 Bekijk
Sociology of law : a trend report and bibliography. Rehbinder, Manfred & G.C. Landon €12,00 Bekijk
New economic order and international development law. Rivero B., Oswaldo de. €12,50 Bekijk
Murder and the Death Penalty in Massachusetts. Rogers, Alan. €14,00 Bekijk
Jurisdiction over antitrust violations in international law. Ryngaert, Cedric. €60,00 Bekijk
International institutional law. Vol. III: Teaching and materials. Schermers, Henri G. €12,00 Bekijk
American-Greek private international law. Ehrenzweig, Albert A. (a.o.) €12,00 Bekijk
Textbook on international law. Second edition. Dixon, Martin. €12,50 Bekijk
Transnational Administrative Rule-Making: Performance, Legal Effects, and Legitimacy. Dilling, Olaf; Martin Herberg & Gerd Winter (eds.) €35,00 Bekijk
War crimes in international law : published under the auspices of the Buchmann Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv University. Dinstein, Yoram & Mala Tabory (eds.) €90,00 Bekijk
Experiences of crime across the world : key findings of the 1989 International Crime Survey. Dijk, J.J.M van; P. Mayhew & M. Killias. €12,00 Bekijk

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