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784 titels gevonden

Titel Schrijver Prijs Datum
The promise of human rights : constitutional government, democratic legitimacy, and international law. Mayerfeld, Jamie. €12,00 Bekijk
Transboundary harm in international law : lessons from the Trail Smelter arbitration. Bratspies, Rebecca M. Russell A. Miller (eds.) €12,00 Bekijk
The Sino-Japanese negotiations of 1915 : Japanese and Chinese documents and Chinese official statement. €12,00 Bekijk
East African Unity Through Law Franck, Thomas M. €12,00 Bekijk
Legal status of government merchant ships in international law. Kochu Thommen, Thamarappallil. €12,00 Bekijk
The command responsibility doctrine in international criminal law and its applicability to civilian superiors. Nybondas-Maarschalkerweerd, Marie Louise. €12,00 Bekijk
Combatting traffic in persons : proceedings of the conference on Traffic in Persons, held from 15-19 November 1994 in Utrecht and Maastricht. Klap, Marieke, Yvonne Klerk, Jacqueline Smith (eds.) €12,00 Bekijk
The criminal responsibility of senior political and military leaders as principals to international crimes. Olasolo, Héctor €12,00 Bekijk
Deutsche strafrechtliche Landesreferate zum IX. Internationalen Kongress fur Rechtsvergleichung, Teheran 1974 : Beiheft zur Zeitschrift fur die gesamte Strafrechtswissenschaft. Jescheck, Hans-Heinrich (ed.) €12,00 Bekijk
Guerilla and international humanitarian law : international symposium of the Red Cross, Antwerp, February 2 and 3 1984. Belgian Red Cross. €12,00 Bekijk
The Internet and Society. Associates, O'Reilly €12,00 Bekijk
An introduction to contemporary international law: a policy-oriented perspective. Chen, Lung-Chu. €12,00 Bekijk
An introduction to contemporary international law: a policy-oriented perspective. Chen, Lung-Chu. €12,00 Bekijk
Introduction to International Law. Starke, J.G. €12,00 Bekijk
The Japanese Annual of International Law, No. 9 (1965). The Japan Branch of the International Law Association. €12,00 Bekijk
Problems of public and private international law. Grotius Society. €12,00 Bekijk
The rule of law in a free society : a report on the International Congress of Jurists, New Delhi, January 1959. Marsh, Norman S. (ed.) €12,00 Bekijk
Soixante-quinzième anniversaire de l'Académie de droit international de La Haye = Seventy-fifth anniversary of The Hague Academy of International Law. Bardonnet, Daniel [et al.] €12,00 Bekijk
Training course on international human rights law for judges and lawyers of South America : selected lectures. Quiroga, Cecilia Medina (ed.) €12,00 Bekijk
International law and the fight against corruption : preadviezen. Bunt, H.G. van der ... [et al.] €12,00 Bekijk

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