Disputatio De Iurisdictionis Secularis Origine, definitione & divisione.
Arumaeus, Dominicus.
Jena : Steinmann 1602. Modern hardcover binding. 10 leaves. Paper bit browned. Small stain in margin. Title page printed with a border of woodcut illustrations in 4 parts. Conditie: goed
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- This disputation of Dominicus Arumaeus (ca. 1579-1637), a Dutch-born German jurist, was published on the occassion of his appointment as an associate professor at the University of Jena. He studied from 1593 at the University of Franeker, later Oxford, Rostock and Helmstedt. In 1600 he promoted at the University of Jena, where he became associate professor in 1602, in 1605 he became ordinary professor of Roman Civil law, and later in German constitutional law. Kleinheyer & Schröder, : Deutsche Juristen aus fünf Jahrhunderten. 3. Auflage, Heidelberg, 1989. pp. 29 31; ADB 1(1875) p. 614 f.; Stintzing-Landsberg 1, 40-41.
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