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74 titels gevonden

Titel Schrijver Prijs Datum
The Structure and Process of International Law : essays in legal philosophy doctrine and theory. MacDonald, R.St.J. & Douglas M. Johnston (eds.) €150,00 Bekijk
Crimes against humanity : a normative account. May, Larry. €25,00 Bekijk
The Sovereignty of Art: Aesthetic Negativity in Adorno and Derrida. Menke, Christoph. €28,00 Bekijk
When should law forgive? Minow, Martha. €15,00 Bekijk
Punishment and the moral emotions: essays in law, morality, and religion. Murphy, Jeffrie G. €25,00 Bekijk
Philosophy of law : an introduction to jurisprudence. Murphy, Jeffrie G. Jules L. Coleman. €12,50 Bekijk
Character, liberty, and law : Kantian essays in theory and practice. Murphy, Jeffrie G. €50,00 Bekijk
Antonio Negri. Murphy, Timothy S. €12,50 Bekijk
Morality, worldview, and law : the idea of a universal morality and its critics. Musschenga, Bert (e.a.) €15,00 Bekijk
Intention in law and philosophy. Naffine, Ngaire; Rosemary J Owens John M Williams (eds.) €60,00 Bekijk
Law, ideology and punishment : retrieval and critique of the liberal ideal of criminal justice. Norris, Alan W. €40,00 Bekijk
Hiding from humanity : disgust, shame, and the law. Nussbaum, Martha C. €15,00 Bekijk
Opera : [partim recens edita, partim diligenter ab eo et recognita et a subditiciis quorundam adiectionibus vindicata]. Oldendorp, Johann. €249,50 Bekijk
Incentives for Global Public Health: Patent Law and Access to Essential Medicines. Pogge, Thomas, Matthew Rimmer Kim Rubenstein (eds.) €35,00 Bekijk
The ethics of proportionate punishment : a critical investigation. Ryberg, Jesper. €50,00 Bekijk
The different faces of autonomy : patient autonomy in ethical theory and hospital practice. Schermer, Maartje. €60,00 Bekijk
Ius romanum - Ius Commune - Ius hodiernum : studies in honour of Eltje J.H. Schrage on the occasion of his 65th birthday. Schrage, Eltjo J.H. €49,50 Bekijk
Ethnicity and group rights. Shapiro, Ian. €25,00 Bekijk
Warfare and the age of printing : catalogue of early printed books from before 1801 in Dutch military collections with analytical bibliographic descriptions of 10,000 works. Volume 1-3; Volume [4] : Indices. Sloos, Louis Ph. (ed.) €400,00 Bekijk
The ethics of deference : learning from law's morals. Soper, Philip. €12,00 Bekijk

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