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74 titels gevonden

Titel Schrijver Prijs Datum
The Structure and Process of International Law : essays in legal philosophy doctrine and theory. MacDonald, R.St.J. & Douglas M. Johnston (eds.) €150,00 Bekijk
When should law forgive? Minow, Martha. €15,00 Bekijk
Hiding from humanity : disgust, shame, and the law. Nussbaum, Martha C. €15,00 Bekijk
The statesman's science : history, nature, and law in the political thought of Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Edwards, Pamela. €12,00 Bekijk
The philosophy of law. Dworkin, Ronald M. (ed.). €12,00 Bekijk
The right to have rights. DeGooyer, Stephanie; Alastair Hunt, Lida Maxwell, & Samuel Moyn. €12,50 Bekijk
Regulating toxic substances: a philosophy of science and the law. Cranor, Carl F. €12,00 Bekijk
Selected Writings : the Choice of Tycho Brahe. Cardozo, Benjamin N. €25,00 Bekijk
Fighting monsters : British-American war-making and law-making. Brown, Rory. €12,00 Bekijk
The law of God : the philosophical history of an idea. Brague, Rémi. €25,00 Bekijk
The gift of science : Leibniz and the modern legal tradition. Berkowitz, Roger. €15,00 Bekijk
Hidden in plain sight : the tragedy of children's rights from Ben Franklin to Lionel Tate. Woodhouse, Barbara Bennett. €14,00 Bekijk
Sovereignty, RIP. Johnson, Robert N. & Michael Smith (eds. €15,00 Bekijk
Political thought in the Dutch Republic : three studies. Kossmann, E.H. €12,00 Bekijk
Objectivity and the rule of law. Kramer, Matthew H. €12,00 Bekijk
Law : key concepts in philosophy. Ingram, David. €12,00 Bekijk
Where biology meets psychology : philosophical essays. Hardcastle, Valerie Gray €12,50 Bekijk
Liberty, Equality, Fraternity. Stephen, James Fitzgerald. €15,00 Bekijk
Ch'En Liang on Public Interest and the Law. Tillman, Hoyt Cleveland. €12,00 Bekijk
Taking back the Constitution : activist judges and the next age of American law. Tushnet, Mark. €15,00 Bekijk

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