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829 titels gevonden

Titel Schrijver Prijs Datum
Transnational securities law. Keijser, Thomas. €35,00 Bekijk
Transnational Collective Bargaining in Europe : A proposal for a European regulation on transnational collective bargaining. Even, J.H. €40,00 Bekijk
Transnational Administrative Rule-Making: Performance, Legal Effects, and Legitimacy. Dilling, Olaf; Martin Herberg & Gerd Winter (eds.) €35,00 Bekijk
Transfrontier mobility of law. Jagtenberg, R., E. Örücü A. de Roo (eds.) €18,00 Bekijk
Transferring hazardous technologies and substances : the international legal challenge. Handl, Günther Robert E. Lutz. €60,00 Bekijk
Transboundary harm in international law : lessons from the Trail Smelter arbitration. Bratspies, Rebecca M. Russell A. Miller (eds.) €12,00 Bekijk
Traité des personnes : Xe Cours de Spécialisation en Droit Pénal International, ISIC, Syracuse (Italie) = Human trafficking : Tenth Specialization Course in International Criminal Law : ISIC, Syracuse (Italy) : Trata de Personas : X Curso de E... Association Internationale de Droit Penal. €18,00 Bekijk
Training course on international human rights law for judges and lawyers of South America : selected lectures. Quiroga, Cecilia Medina (ed.) €12,00 Bekijk
Trade, health and the environment : the European Union put to the test. Asselt, Marjolein van; Michelle Everson & Ellen Vos (eds.) €35,00 Bekijk
Towards International Personality: the position of minorities and indigenous peoples in international law. Meijknecht, Anna K. €30,00 Bekijk
Towards a European Civil Code. Third fully revised and expanded edition. Hartkamp, Arthur S. (ed.). €129,00 Bekijk
Towards a European Civil Code. Third fully revised and expanded edition. Hartkamp, Arthur S. (ed.). €50,00 Bekijk
Toward a Society under Law: Citizens and Their Police in Latin America. Tulching, Joseph S. & Meg Ruthenburg (eds.) €14,00 Bekijk
Torts : scope of protection. Gerven, Walter van ... [et al.] €12,00 Bekijk
Thinking About the Elgin Marbles: Critical Essays on Cultural Property, Art and Law. Merryman, John Henry. €124,00 Bekijk
Theory and Practice of International and Internationalized Criminal Proceedings Knoops, Geert-Jan G. J. €18,00 Bekijk
Theories of co-perpetration in international criminal law. Yanev, Lachezar Dimitrov. €18,00 Bekijk
The "Yugoslav" crisis in international law. Part 1: General issues. Bethlehem, Daniel L. €35,00 Bekijk
The World Trading System: Law and Policy of International Economic Relations. Jackson, John H. €15,00 Bekijk
The World Trade Organization: Implementing International Trade Norms (Melland Schill Monographs in International Law). Qureshi, Asif H. €12,00 Bekijk

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