829 titels gevonden
Titel | Schrijver | Prijs | Datum | |
Warfare and the age of printing : catalogue of early printed books from before 1801 in Dutch military collections with analytical bibliographic descriptions of 10,000 works. Volume 1-3; Volume [4] : Indices. | Sloos, Louis Ph. (ed.) | €400,00 | Bekijk | |
War crimes in international law : published under the auspices of the Buchmann Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv University. | Dinstein, Yoram & Mala Tabory (eds.) | €90,00 | Bekijk | |
War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity in the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. | Byron, Christine | €18,00 | Bekijk | |
War, Commerce, and International Law | Gathii, James Thuo | €40,00 | Bekijk | |
Völkerrecht, Recht der internationalen Organisationen, Weltwirtschaftsrecht : Festschrift für Ignaz Seidl-Hohenveldern = Law of nations, law of international organizations, world's economic law : liber amicorum honouring Ignaz Seidl-Hohenveldern. | Seidl-Hohenveldern, Ignaz. | €93,00 | Bekijk | |
Victims' rights and advocacy at the International Criminal Court. 2nd edition. | Funk, T. Markus. | €24,00 | Bekijk | |
Vergi hukukunda geriye yu¨ru¨mezlik esasi = Non-retroactivity in tax law. | Yalti, Billur (ed.) | €20,00 | Bekijk | |
Valorisation of household labour in family property law : a comparative perspective. | Declerck, Charlotte Leon Verstappen (eds.) | €18,00 | Bekijk | |
Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization. Yearbook 1997. | Mullen, Christopher A. J. Atticus Ryan (eds.) | €30,00 | Bekijk | |
Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization. Yearbook 1995. | Simmons, Mary Kate (ed.) | €30,00 | Bekijk | |
Unjust Enrichment and the Law of Contract. | Schrage, Eltjo J.H. (ed.) | €80,00 | Bekijk | |
United States taxation of foreign trusts. | Bruce, Charles M. | €40,00 | Bekijk | |
United Nations textbook: texts of important U.N. documents with annotations, including constitution of International Labour Organization and texts of modern regional pacts (A.O. treaty of the European Coal and Steel community). | Asbeck, F.M. van. (e.a.). | €15,00 | Bekijk | |
Unifying and harmonizing substantive law and the role of conflict of laws. | Boele-Woelki, Katharina. | €12,00 | Bekijk | |
Uniform law for international sales under the 1980 United Nations convention. 2nd edition. | Honnold, John O. | €93,00 | Bekijk | |
Uniform commercial law : an essay on international conventions in national courts. | Giles, O.G. | €18,00 | Bekijk | |
UNIDROIT principles of international commercial contracts 2004. | UNIDROIT : Institut International pour l'Unification du Droit Privé = Unification of law. | €40,00 | Bekijk | |
Understanding state aid policy in the European Community : perspectives on rules and practice. | Bilal, Sanoussi Phedon Nicolaides. | €30,00 | Bekijk | |
UN 50th Anniversary : The United Nations": a global organization : its evolution, achievements, failure and reconstruction. | Kasto, Jalil. | €12,50 | Bekijk | |
Trends in law and mental health : proceedings of the 13th International Congress on Law and Mental Health, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, June 1987. | Koenraadt, Frans. | €15,00 | Bekijk |