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855 titels gevonden

Titel Schrijver Prijs Datum
The legal status of the Land Berlin : a survey after the Quadripartite Agreement. Zivier, Ernst R. €15,00 Bekijk
Essential texts on international and European criminal law. Vermeulen, G. (ed.) €25,00 Bekijk
Criminal Law in Italy. Amato, Astolfo di €45,00 Bekijk
Essays on international law and relations in honour of A.J.P. Tammes. Tammes, A.J.P. €20,00 Bekijk
De la Richesse dans les Sociétés Chrétiennes. Tome 1-2. Périn, Charles. €45,00 Bekijk
Collective Responsibility and Accountability under International Law. Darcy, Shane. €60,00 Bekijk
AUTOGRAPH. Postcard with autograph and text on back dated 4-5-1918. Philipp Zorn (1850-1928), professor of international law in Bonn, was also notable in ecclesiastical and constitutional law. Zorn, Philipp. €103,00 Bekijk
Annotated Leading Cases of International Criminal Tribunals. Vol. 8: The International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia 2001-2002. Klip, Andre Göran Sluiter (eds.) €82,00 Bekijk
Annotated Leading Cases of International Criminal Tribunals. Vol. 10: The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda 2001-2002. Klip, Andre Göran Sluiter (eds.) €72,00 Bekijk
Annotated Leading Cases of International Criminal Tribunals. Vol. 7: The International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia 2001. Klip, Andre Göran Sluiter (eds.) €60,00 Bekijk
Annotated Leading Cases of International Criminal Tribunals. Vol. 2: The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda 1994-1999. Klip, Andre Göran Sluiter (eds.) €60,00 Bekijk
Annotated Leading Cases of International Criminal Tribunals. Vol. 1: The International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia 1993-1998. Klip, Andre Göran Sluiter (eds.) €40,00 Bekijk
Soviet International Law and the world economic order. Grzybowski, Kazimierz. €15,00 Bekijk
Arbitration in France : the French law of national and international arbitration. Delvolvé, Jean-Louis. €40,00 Bekijk
An introduction to contemporary international law: a policy-oriented perspective. Chen, Lung-Chu. €12,00 Bekijk
Grondlijnen van het volkenrecht. François, J.P.A. €20,00 Bekijk
Deutsche strafrechtliche Landesreferate zum IX. Internationalen Kongress fur Rechtsvergleichung, Teheran 1974 : Beiheft zur Zeitschrift fur die gesamte Strafrechtswissenschaft. Jescheck, Hans-Heinrich (ed.) €12,00 Bekijk
Understanding state aid policy in the European Community : perspectives on rules and practice. Bilal, Sanoussi Phedon Nicolaides. €30,00 Bekijk
Principles of international environmental law. Vol. I: Frameworks, standards and implementation. Sands, Philippe. €30,00 Bekijk
International Criminal Law. 2nd edition. Bassiouni, M. Cherif. €129,00 Bekijk

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