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854 titels gevonden

Titel Schrijver Prijs Datum
The access of individuals to international justice. Trinidade, Antônio Augusto Cançado. €25,00 Bekijk
The rule of law in a free society : a report on the International Congress of Jurists, New Delhi, January 1959. Marsh, Norman S. (ed.) €12,00 Bekijk
The fog of law : pragmatism, security and international law. Glennon, Michael J. €18,00 Bekijk
The international law of developments : basic documents. Mutharika, A.P. (ed.). €200,00 Bekijk
Development, human rights and the rule of law : report of a conference held in the Hague on 27 April-1 May 1981. International Commission of Jurists. €12,50 Bekijk
The enforcement of international judicial decisions and arbitral awards in public international law. Nantwi, E.K. €24,00 Bekijk
European ambitions of the national judiciary. Jansen, Rosa H.M., Dagmar A.C. Koster, Reinier F.B. van Zutphen (eds.) €18,00 Bekijk
International commercial transactions. 2nd edition. Ramberg, Jan. €50,00 Bekijk
Implementing International Humanitarian Law: From The Ad Hoc Tribunals to a Permanent International Criminal Court. Aksar, Yusuf €30,00 Bekijk
Gefängnisüberfüllung: Ursachen, Folgen und Lösungsmöglichkeiten in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland mit einem internationalen Vergleich (European university studies. Series II, Law) (German Edition). Oberheim, Rainer €25,00 Bekijk
Die laufende Besteuerung bei Grenzüberschreitenden Unternehmenszusammenschlüssen - Deutschland, Grossbritannien, Frankreich. Witzel, David Alexander. €20,00 Bekijk
The Oder-Neisse Line : a reappraisal under international law. Bühler, Phillip A. €20,00 Bekijk
Human Rights In International Law: Basic Texts. Council of Europe. €15,00 Bekijk
Magnus Hugo Grotius in Vitriario parvus : sivè, Institutiones juris naturae et gentium ad methodum Hugonis Grotii. Vitriarius, Phillippus Reinhardus. €240,00 Bekijk
The Dynamics of International Law. Diehl, Paul F. €12,50 Bekijk
Völkerrecht, Recht der internationalen Organisationen, Weltwirtschaftsrecht : Festschrift für Ignaz Seidl-Hohenveldern = Law of nations, law of international organizations, world's economic law : liber amicorum honouring Ignaz Seidl-Hohenveldern. Seidl-Hohenveldern, Ignaz. €93,00 Bekijk
Principles of international criminal law. Werle, Gerhard. €25,00 Bekijk
Statelessness: with special reference to the United States : a study in nationality and conflict of laws. Seckler-Hudson, Catheryn. €82,00 Bekijk
The law and regulation of international space communication. White, Rita Lauria Harold M. White, Jr. €40,00 Bekijk
International trade and competition law in Japan. Matsushita, Mitsuo. €18,00 Bekijk

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