The Structure and Process of International Law : essays in legal philosophy doctrine and theory.
MacDonald, R.St.J. & Douglas M. Johnston (eds.)

ISBN 9789024728824
Uitgever Dordrecht : Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,1986. 2nd printing. Orig. halfcloth binding. vii,1234 pp. (Developments in International law). Owner's stamp on first free endpaper. Rare. Conditie: goed
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Extra informatie Contents : Table of contents. -- R.St.J. Macdonald & Douglas M. Johnston -- International legal theory: new frontiers of the discipline. R.St.J. Macdonald & Douglas M. Johnston -- Natural law: the tradition of universal reason and authority. Alfred Verdross & Heribert Franz Koeck. -- Will and Order in the Nation-State System: Observations on positivism and positive international law. Maarten Bos. -- The Marxist-Leninist Approach: the theory of class struggle and contemporary international law. V. Kartashkin. -- International law in policy-oriented perspective. Myres S. McDougal & W. Michael Reisman. -- The schools revisited. W. L. Morison. -- The heritage of political thought in international law. Douglas M. Johnston. -- International economic theory and international economic law: on the tasks of a legal theory of international economic order. Ernst-Ulrich Petersmann. -- A sociological perspective on international law. Julius Stone. -- Modern conference techniques: insights from social psychology and anthropology. M.C.W. Pinto. -- The influence of history on the literature of international law. R.P. Anand. -- Subjects: entitlement in the international legal system. Bengt Broms. -- Sovereignty and international law. Luzius Wildhaber. -- Equality: political justice in an unequal World. Vratislav Pechota. -- Consent: strains in the treaty system. Bruno Simma. -- Custom: the future of general state practice in a divided world. Bin Cheng. -- Jurisdiction: changing patterns of authority over activities and resources. D.W. Bowett. -- State responsibility: new theories of obligation in interstate relations. W. Riphagen. -- Recognition in theory and practice. Ian Brownlie. -- The common interest: tension between the whole and the parts. Arvid Pardo & Carl Q. Christol. -- The future of regionalism in an asymmetrical international society. Sergio González Gálvez. -- The conceptual apparatus of international law. Georg Schwarzenberger. -- International and municipal law: the complementarity of legal systems. Luigi Ferrari-Bravo. -- The nature and process of legal development in international society. Oscar Schachter. -- The impact of international organizations on the development and application of public international law. Daniel Vignes. -- Majority rule and consensus technique in law-making diplomacy. Karl Zemanek. -- The United Nations charter: constitution or contract? R.St.J. Macdonald. -- The role of political revolution in the theory of international law. Theodor Schweisfurth. -- The Third World and international law. Wang Tieya. -- Human rights: the hard road towards universality. Francesco Capotorti. -- The minimum standards in a world of disparities. A.O. Adede. -- Towards a new world information and communication order: problems of access and cultural development. K. Venkata Raman. -- The international protection of the environment. Alexandre Kiss. -- Peaceful settlement of disputes between states: history and prospects. Ion Diaconu. -- The future of dispute settlement. Louis B. Sohn. -- The role of controversy in international legal development. Shabtai Rosenne. -- Coercion and the theory of sanctions in international law. Eiichi Fukatsu. -- The future of idealism in international law: structuralism, humanism, and survivalism. Covey T. Oliver. -- Contributors. Editors: R. St.J. Macdonald and Douglas M. Johnston

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